Volunteer Application "*" indicates required fields Name*Street Address*City and State*Email Address* Phone*How would you like to help rescue? (check all that apply)* Foster Transport Home Checks Vet Name and NumberAre you familiar with the breed? Yes No Are you familiar with rescue? Yes No What pets do you own (breed and age)?*Do you own cats? Yes No Are your current pets altered? Yes No Please list the ages of everyone in the household (including yourself)*Do you have a crate? Yes No Please select your residence type* Single Family Apartment/Condo Townhome/Row home Do you have a fenced yard?* Yes No If yes to fenced yard, what is the height of your fence and the size of your yard?*How many hours would a foster dog be alone?Can you offer training to a GSP Rescue or are you willing to take your rescue dog to training? If yes, please briefly describe your training style and experienceAre you able to housetrain a dog?* Yes No Don't Know How Are you able to crate train a dog?* Yes No Don't Know How Are you able to work with a dog on leash manners?* Yes No Don't Know How What kind of vehicle do you transport dogs in?* Car SUV Van Truck Do you have a crate/containment system for dog travel* Crate Seatbelt Contraption Third Row/ Truck Divider No containment A containment system is not required, but recommended. This just gives us an idea of how the dog would ride in your vehicle.How long are you able to drive a dog for one leg of travel?* 1-2 hours 2-4 hours No issues with time/distance When are you able to help transport dogs?* Weekends Weekdays during work hours Weekdays after work hours Whenever Are you willing to foster a dog with medical or behavioral issues? Please explain any limitationsHow long are you able to foster a GSP?*Do you free feed or schedule feed your dog(s)?*Please tell us anything else you think we should knowCAPTCHA